My Fitness Exercises for Slimmer Thighs
I want to slim down and sculpt my thighs to enjoy my body and feel good. To strengthen all my thigh muscles, I discovered 3 targeted fitness exercises that are easy to integrate into my sports routine. The #ProFormTeam supports me in my approach with personalised advice to keep my thighs trim over the long-term!
Why Do I Want Sculpted Thighs?

My legs support my entire body weight, so building up my thighs has many benefits:
- With strong legs, I am less likely to have back pain.
- Strengthening my legs improves my blood circulation and helps me to stay healthy.
- My legs make up more than half of my body’s surface area: I lose weight and improve my overall figure by strengthening them.
Why Target the Thighs in Particular?
The thighs are a priority area to target because the body tends to store fat there, especially when female hormones are involved, leading to water retention, cellulite, orange peel appearance, etc. Although it is difficult to eliminate fat from a specific area, fitness exercises involving the thighs benefit the whole body and allow you to achieve a more toned figure, which is progressively slimmed and sculpted.
How Do I Get Slim Thighs?
My aim is to work all the muscles of my thighs:
- The quadriceps, at the front of the thighs
- The hamstrings, at the back of the thighs
- The adductors, on the inside of the thighs
- The adductors, on the outside of the thighs
To do this, I opt for exercises that use several muscles at once, done regularly at a moderately intense pace.
3 Fitness Exercises to Adopt Daily

To slim my thighs, not increase their volume, I choose adapted fitness exercises. Here are 3 of them to start off my unique training plan for slim thighs. Initially, I opt for 30-minute sessions, alternating several sets of each movement with breaks in between to recover. I can train to the rhythm of my favourite music for regular movements and dynamic sessions that put me in a good mood. At the same time, I alternate with cardio sessions (walking, running, swimming and suchlike) to amplify the results and continue to slim down!
Front Lunges
I shape my legs and work all the muscles in my thighs and buttocks with front lunges:
- I start by standing with my arms at my sides and my legs hip-width apart.
- I take a step forward with one leg, leaving my second foot behind.
- I step down, looking forward until my back knee touches the ground and my front leg is bent at 90 degrees.
- I press down on my front leg to get up and return to the starting position.
Throughout the movement, I keep my abs tight and my back straight.
Cross-Legged Raises
I do cross-legged raises to build up my adductors:
- I lie on one side, leaning on my forearm, and place the other hand on my chest.
- I pass the leg that is not in contact with the ground over the other and place my foot flat on the ground, about halfway up my thigh.
- I do some raises with the outstretched leg in contact with the ground, raising and lowering it several times in a row, with the ankle slightly bent.
- I alternate between the two sides and keep my abdominal muscles contracted.
Leg Curls without Equipment on One Knee
The leg curl movement is ideal for strengthening the hamstrings:
- I get down on all fours, with my knees on the ground, and my arms and back straight and not arched.
- I lift one leg backwards, leaving it bent without tensing until my thigh is horizontal.
- I return my knee to the ground and start again with the other leg.
- I take care to keep my pelvis parallel to the ground.
I Keep My Thighs Sculpted Over the Long-Term

I accompany this work on my thigh muscles with good habits that go beyond my workout sessions. By adopting a few small daily habits, I can ensure that my thighs stay slimmer for longer:
- I stop just before my destination to walk as far as possible.
- I prefer the stairs to the lift.
- I prefer my bike to my car to run small errands or to go for a spin.
- I pamper my thighs with moisturising creams and palpate-and-roll massages to reduce the orange peel appearance.
- I keep myself sufficiently hydrated and make sure I don’t consume too much salt to avoid water retention.