My 5 restorative yoga poses for deep relaxation
I use the power of yoga to repair my body and relax. By practising these 5 poses regularly, I stretch, relax my muscles, learn to breathe in harmony with my movements and simply feel good! To benefit from the relaxing effects of yoga, I move slowly and hold my poses for longer than usual.
Pranayama: I control my breath with alternate breathing

I get rid of stress within a few minutes, thanks to alternate breathing, which is an ideal exercise to start my restorative yoga session:
- I sit cross-legged (or half-lotus) and close my eyes
- I block my left nostril with a finger and inhale fully with my right nostril
- I exhale completely
- I do the same thing again with the right nostril blocked
- I do 5 to 10 complete cycles before opening my eyes again
Utthita Balasana: I stretch my back with child’s pose

Child’s pose realigns the spine and gently stretches the back while calming brain activity. I can practice it regardless of my age and physical condition:
- I kneel on my yoga mat with my knees hip-width apart
- I rest my buttocks on my heels
- I lean forward and rest my forehead on the mat, stretching my arms forward
- I close my eyes and breathe deeply, concentrating on my feelings and the points of contact of my body with the ground
- I hold the position for at least 5 minutes
- If I cannot get my forehead to touch the ground, I can place a small block (or a book) under my head
- I return very slowly on all fours to get up
Supta Baddha Konasana: the Goddess of Sleep Pose

The Sleeping Goddess Pose (also known as the Reclined Cobbler’s Pose) relaxes the pelvis, thighs and back:
- I sit on my yoga mat with the soles of my feet together, knees outwards, legs in contact with the floor and heels as close to my pelvis as I can without hurting myself
- Keeping my lower body in position, I lie gently on my back with my arms spread 45 degrees from my chest, palms open to the sky
- I close my eyes and breathe. Feeling my body slowly relax, I hold the pose for a few minutes, or up to 10 minutes if I wish
- To relax even more, I can place small cushions under my knees and under my head or put a small blanket under the arch of my back
- I get up slowly by pushing on my elbows and my hands or by rolling on my side to get back on my knees, then on all fours
Viparita Karani: I lift my legs with an inverted pose

Easy to do, this yoga pose is ideal for boosting blood circulation after a day of walking or after work:
- I lie on my side with my pelvis against a wall
- I raise my legs to lay straight against the wall
- I keep my arms out to the sides and put my palms on the floor
- I relax and hold the position for 5 minutes or more
- If I feel my legs shaking, I can slightly bend one leg or the other from time to time
- When I feel ready to come out of the pose, I lower my legs, move to my side, wait a bit before getting up, and then kneel
Savasana: the easiest way to relax

At the end of the session, I finish with the Savasana pose: I simply lie on the floor with my arms and legs spread out, palms facing upwards. I breathe in and out, following the flow of air through my body. I hold the pose for as long as I want and when I am ready, I open my eyes to continue my day, feeling more relaxed and serene. I can also try the version of Savasana with my feet on a chair, placing my legs on the seat to relax my lower back even more effectively.
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