My 3(+1) express methods to get rid of stress
Meditation works, but is it the only way to reduce stress? The #ProFormTeam expands my horizons with unstoppable tips to replace stress with serenity in no time! Operation Zen launched with aromatherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and a yoga-inspired breathing exercise.
Aromatherapy: the power of scents to regulate mood and dispel anxiety

The sense of smell is a formidable weapon for fighting anxiety and regulating my emotions. Certain scent molecules, once transmitted to my brain, trigger a series of calming signals. The olfactory system is intimately linked to memory and emotions. Here are the most useful essential oils to help me relax and regain control when panic starts to set in:
- Petitgrain bigarade essential oil balances the nervous system and helps to reduce muscle spasms, promoting appeasement.
- Fine lavender essential oil helps to reduce excitement and insomnia. I put a few drops on my pillow to help me get to sleep.
- Ylang-ylang essential oil is quickly effective in the case of heart palpitations due to anxiety.
- Marjoram essential oil: applied to the solar plexus, after being diluted in vegetable oil, acts as a muscle relaxant and helps me to fall asleep despite stress.
- Laurel essential oil: This is the essential oil of self-confidence! I use it, for example, before a competition or a public speaking engagement to say goodbye to stage fright and to remind myself that I can do it!
I can make a stick to take with me to inhale soothing scents whenever I want, use a nebuliser to diffuse essential oils or discreetly put a few drops on my wrist.
EFT, to free your emotions

The EFT method for Emotional Freedom Techniques was developed in 1995 by Gary Craig, an American engineer. To benefit from it, I don’t need anyone: it consists of simple gestures, quite similar to those of acupressure, which I can perform anywhere to reduce the most annoying manifestations of stress in a very short time.
I start by identifying a stress signal, for example, tension in my back or clenching of my jaws. I rate its intensity between 0 and 10 and then formulate a positive phrase indicating my acceptance of this problem, such as “My stomach is in knots, but I accept myself as I am”. I tap gently and regularly on a few key points, repeating my positive phrase until the stress signal level drops to 0.
Here are some key points that can be worked on with EFT:
- The top of the head, to help me move forward at all costs.
- The indentation between the lower lip and the chin, in case of fatigue.
- The “karate” point, located on the outer edge of the hand to work on self-confidence.
- The emergency point is the first point to remember to overcome the onset of anxiety. It is located between the clavicle, the sternum and the first rib.
Sama vritti breathing, or sama vritti pranayama, to harmonise the body and mind

To regain calm and serenity and regain control of my heart rate, I practice an easy-to-remember breathing exercise inspired by yoga: sama vritti pranayama, or square breathing:
- I breathe in through my nose, trying to practice deep, abdominal breathing.
- I hold my breath once my lungs are inflated.
- I exhale fully and slowly through my mouth.
- I hold my breath before starting a new cycle.
The 4 stages of this breathing cycle are of equal length, for example, 4 seconds each. I can practice this exercise anywhere: at home, before an interview, on the bus, in the car, before sleeping, and so on.
The #ProFormTeam bonus: of course, we haven’t forgotten about sport! Physical activity is a natural stress reliever, releasing the famous feel-good hormones that we all need during stressful times. Regular sport participation also improves physical and mental resistance to better cope with the troubles of everyday life. So, I put on my trainers and get motivated for my next fitness session!
For more ways to reduce your stress levels and keep your fitness in check visit the link here